Liztox 100

Product name: Liztox 100
Ingredients: 100 units (U) Clostridium botulinum toxin type A, Human serum albumin, Sodium Chloride.
Storage instruction: Keep sealed and store at 2~8°C


Liztox is a highly-purified clostridium botulinum toxin type A for correction and preventive care of mimic wrinkles. The substance functions as a myorelaxant and is used to control dynamic wrinkles because it inhibits signaling between muscles and motor neurons. Small and deep wrinkles are both corrected with Liztox to achieve its leveling effect. Regular application of the product effectively stops the development of new folds. Liztox injections at the location of the perspiratory gland can also be utilized to treat excessive diaphoresis (palms, axillas, footsteps). The drug’s local impact at the site of injection allows for the point-by-point correction of cosmetic flaws or the provision of a treatment (for hyperhidrosis) without any adverse effects on the entire body.

Liztox Product info:
Product name: Liztox 100
Storage instruction: Keep sealed and store at 2~8°C
Ingredients: 100 units (U) Clostridium botulinum toxin type A, Human serum albumin, Sodium Chloride.

Why Choose LIZTOX?
Strengths of Liztox:
•The extremely high level of product purity (99.8%)
•The product’s botulinum toxin is digested quickly by the body •Therefore, the result can be seen 3 to 7 days after the operation
•The product can be used to repair fine lines around the lips by employing the micro-papula technique.

Scope of Liztox:
•Removing imitation wrinkles from the neckline, between the brows, and on the forehead
•Treatment for hyperhidrosis
•Restoration of the skin’s smooth surface

Being a cosmetic, Botulin allows you to remove medium wrinkles and even severe expression lines because of its natural qualities that neutralize contractions of the treated muscles. This helps you avoid invasive plastic surgery in many circumstances. You can concentrate on problem regions that exhibit age indications on the face thanks to the extremely localized nature of the treatment.