Nabota 200

Nabota Product info:
Product Name: Nabota 200
Main Ingredients: Clostridium botulinum toxin type A (standard) -200 units
Duration: 6 months
Packing: 1 vial
Storage: 2 ~ 8°C


Nabota 200

Botulinum toxin type A (Nabota) is indicated for the temporary treatment of glabellar lines associated with cardboard lines. Botulinum toxin type  (Nabota) is indicated for the temporary improvement in the appearance of the upper respiratory tract (forehead lines, crow’s feet, and forehead lines) in adults. In people with chronic migraine, botulinum toxin type A (Nabota) is recommended for the prevention of headaches.

For the treatment of adult urinary incontinence brought on by neurogenic detrusor overactivities, such as spinal cord injury (SCI) or multiple sclerosis (MI), A (Nabota) is recommended.

Nabota 200 Product info:
Product Name: Nabota 200
Main Ingredients: Clostridium  (standard) -200 units
Duration: 6 months
Packing: 1 vial
Storage: 2 ~ 8°C

•Temporarily lessening of ripple and lower abdomen activity-related moderate to severe glabellar lines in adult patients.
•Adult patients’ upper limb spasticity treatment.
•Temporary reduction in the severity of lateral angular lines that are related to ocular activity in adult patients.
•Treatment for adult patients with blepharospasm brought on by dystonia

You’ll be pleasantly delighted to discover such natural effects at a price that is really reasonable.

Nabota 200 offers a comprehensive set of attributes, including high potency, extended duration, versatility, cost-effectiveness, consistent performance, and patient satisfaction. With its efficacy in addressing both aesthetic and medical conditions, Nabota 200 stands as a valuable option for practitioners and patients seeking safe, effective, and affordable botulinum toxin type A treatments.