
An amazing substance called StarFill dermal filler is used to fill in lines and wrinkles on the skin. The result exhibits exceptional cohesiveness parameter values, viscoelasticity, and a significant degree of HA cross-linking. High product safety is ensured by low amounts of toxins and cross-linking agents, which also reduce the possibility of allergic responses, post-injection edema, and other adverse consequences. Better aesthetic results and even filler dispersion after injection are facilitated by uniform gel particle size. The process is painless because lidocaine is an ingredient in the mixture.

High Complex Viscosity and Easy Injection with low MOD (BDDE).

Used For Treating:

-Contouring the lips. -Frown and worry lines. -Folds of the nose.

– Perioral wrinkles (mouth frown, smoker’s lines, Marionette lines).

–Chin Crease.

Advantages of StarFill dermal filler :

The range of products varies in terms of HA cross-linking rate and gel particle size according on application.

A level of endotoxin is less than 0.1 EU/ml.

No BDDE leftover.

Due to consistent particle size, there is an even dispersion of gel upon injection.

The longer duration of the aesthetic effect is the outcome of high cohesion and viscoelasticity.

Established efficacy as indicated by the findings of the Wrinkle Severity Rating Scale (WSRS) evaluation of wrinkle improvement at weeks 8, 16, and 24 following the injection procedure.

Made in Korea and C.E. certified.